Covid-19 Update
The staff at Carol H Gilbert are working remotely to continue providing support and consulting to our loyal clients. Upcoming ServSafe™ Classes have been canceled or postponed and participants should look for an email regarding your specific class. The ServSafe™ Manager Certification is time-sensitive, please contact us if your certificate is near expiration. Many restaurants are not operating at this time and inspections might be delayed. We look forward to the future and the opportunity to have learned from this time in history.
We may see new regulations regarding food safety and operations of school nutrition programs as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Your staff may need additional training for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. We are still scheduling for Back to School Training in August and whatever new needs you might have in the 2020-2021 school year. Let us help!
Please enjoy the extra time with family while being safe and staying healthy.